Hot New Album Fridays

The Blues, The Real Blues: Kwesi Foraes – “Heroin”

  • May 24, 2016
  • 1 min read

Kwesi Foraes

Kwesi Foraes


Kwesi Foraes

When you hear someone pour out their soul in a song, it can be heartrending yet beautiful at the same time.  Foraes is an amazing singer.  In many ways, I can hear the pain and sorrow of Robert Johnson; also the talent.  Foraes has lived the blues.  You can tell that.  In fact, “Heroin” is the most chilling song since the Velvet Underground’s “Heroin”.

(A)fter a surge of 3 family deaths all within a year, Foraes faced a hard internal battle while struggling to overcome his personal demons that almost took his own life.  Foraes at a point with few options of release searched for an escape & sense of truth in his music and found it like never before in darkest and most raw pockets of folk, expressing himself at the most vulnerable and visceral levels, embracing all truth and confronting all ills head on.

You can hear the anguish in Foraes’ voice.  Thank you, Foraes, for sharing your soul.  I love this new blues.

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Phil King

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