New Music

The Seraph’s Song: I, Us & We: “Tryst”

  • November 24, 2017
  • 2 min read
The Seraph’s Song:  I, Us & We:  “Tryst”

I, Us & We



What a wonderful Dream Pop band.  I love dream pop; there is something other-worldly about dream pop, something very Morpheus-touched, and I,Us & We are perfect at the sound.  Comprised of Jordan Doverspike, Evan Doverspike, and Aaron Doverspike, I, Us & We combine the best of Cocteau Twin and Elysian Fields to create something new and very much their own.  To quote Danny Davenport:

Floating above a sparse and alien landscape the observer can only do that which they are intended to do. Observe. We see a panoramic photo of a beautifully sparse glacial scene. All sense of time and space would be lost in the eternal white if not for the soft streaks of grey that subtly allude to a physical presence, and imply the existence of metaphysical musings.

It is in this vast space that we most search for something human. Amidst the immense beauty of the natural world, it is the face of a loved one that we search for most. There is a sense that we can traverse this new world as long as we have the soft voice of a mentor to guide us.

This seraph’s song envelops us with a sense so cold it burns. It is in this perpetual state of shock we continue to search for meaning. As our consciousness beckons us forward, the subtlety of this barren landscape begins to come into focus. Yet even through the eyes of enlightenment there is little to see, and less to understand.

Intuition guides us forward, and suddenly all is lost. The white has become black, and a sense of static in the air reminds us of the grey streaks of a world long past. Riding along the short wave of the infinite we begin to realize that there was never anything to begin with. We created the light, the dark, and every shade of grey in between. It is only through this understanding of ourselves that we can begin to float onward, and begin again.

This describes the beauty of I, Us & We better than my feeble pen can do so.  Listen to the seraph’s voice.  Follow the sound.  Dream it, be it.


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Phil King

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