New Music

The Cush – “Chariots of Smog” – Riders in the Stardust Gold

  • June 12, 2021
  • 3 min read
Photo credit: Ben Garrett / Album Artwork: Winston Smith

The Cush – “Chariots of Smog” – Riders in the Stardust Gold

Wow.  “Chariots of Smog” is wonderful, trippy flashback to the late 60s/early 70s or time machine journey to a distant future.  The ringing guitars, the fog-shrouded vocals, the perfect percussion in a forward land, all combine to create a sound so unique to anyone out there now.  Fronted by husband and wife Burette and Gabrielle Douglas, The Cush winds their way through the psychedelic wasteland of the mind, making a joyful noise while doing it.  According to their bio:

Riders on the Stardust Gold features a mind-bending collage by punk art surrealist Winston Smith, which also inspired the psychedelic quality of the video. Director Alyx Spurrier opens with close ups of the cover, evolving into kaleidoscope imagery and then morphing into a semi animated performance by the band in black and white. Like a recurring Wizard of Oz dream from black and white to color – we are taken between the two worlds, one in still-life, but in color, and the other moving, but in black and white. The visuals enhance the lyrics, that Burette characterizes as a “doomy state of union.” As he explained, “I was thinking about watching the Earth be destroyed by humanity and wondering what the future will bring. Looking back to being a kid during the cold war, we always thought about nuclear war, and how it could happen anytime. Fast forward to 49 years-old and looking into what things will be like in 20 or 30 years. Sometimes I feel as though we’re doomed.”

The beauty in the song just resonates with fear and sadness like a good song of warning should do.  With lyrics as the following:

Twilight for sundown skies I was standing on the edge of town The wolves are assembling Can you hear that sound I had a feeling Ever since I was quite young This generation would soon be none No magic to be found On this sacred ground Time time the earth bells’ chime I can hear them from across the knoll Beyond the barrier Let the end times roll Dream dream a world so green We could’ve had it but it’s too late now Into oblivion Move on somehow No magic to be found On this sacred ground Breathe Breathe a breath so deep You could hold it for a thousand years With tones of afterlife Ringing in my ears I asked the question The answer hit me like a stone You can keep running now But you’ll never get home No magic to be found On this sacred ground Beneath the sting Of childhood’s faded dreams The walls of summer Close in

This song will blow you away.  It has mine.  I can so identify with the whole concept.  Enjoy the Apocalypse.

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Phil King

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