Saying What You’re Thinking: HUNGER – “My Shirt Your Dress”

“My Shirt, Your Dress”
Sounding like a European version of Imagine Dragons (no, I’m not sure what that means, except the continental bands tend to push the envelope more), this Austrian band has tremendous songs, and the lead singer has great pipes, and the backup vocals just linger in the background, so tremendously clear. Comprised of Daniel Rumpel, d Johannes Herbst, and Lucas Fendrich, with the intention of creating a truly dark and cinematic sound, Hunger had produced this beautiful, introspective song, worthy of post-goth/emo in the best possible way. In their own words:
“The song is about the big ‘what-if’ love of your life,” the band explains. “We all have it. We all know it. You might have this one person you never asked on a date although you felt a very strong connection with, or might have met the better half of your life, but for some reason it just didn’t work out. Sometimes love just never really gets the chance.”
This song touches me deeply. We all can identify with the sentiments. Great music touches what’s deep within you, and HUNGER makes great music.