Psychedelic Gloom: Quicksilver Daydream – “Ferryman”

Quicksilver Daydream
A Thousand Shadows, A Single Flame
From the first plaintive reverb guitar chord, you know you’ve entered a sad, dark, psychedelic world. Quicksilver Daydream is an experimental psychedelic-folk band led by Adam Lytle. Their recordings combine brooding, surrealistic lyrics with a nebulous mix of mellotron strings, woozy synthesizers, soaring guitars, and reverberating vocals. The band draws from a deep pool of influences, owing as much to early psychedelic pioneers Pearls Before Swine and The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band, as they do to the compositions of Ennio Morricone and Baudelaire. On “Ferryman”, Lytle has decided to explore that which lies beyond rather than within as on previous work. For live performances, Lytle has recruited long-time collaborators, Brett Banks (Bass), Cole Emoff (Drums), and Joey Deady (Lead Guitar). Together, they weave a psychedelic beauty. I love psychedelia, and Quicksilver Daydream are a great psychedelia band. Thank you guys.