Protest Punk: Vile Assembly – “Division Of Labour”

Vile Assembly
“Division Of Labour”
Fattened by the Horrors of War
My God, this is an angry song, and rightfully angry. Imagine Mother Jones and Woody Guthrie writing with the Clash and you get Vile Assembly. This band is great. As their bio says:
Vile Assembly was created solely to be the whistle blowers on unjust society; their purpose to say what needs to be said through the universally understood medium of music.
Made up of Paul Mason, Mark Webb, and Mark Wainwright, this is THE band that people like Putin, Trump, Merkel, all the fat cat capitalists are going to be most afraid of. It’s one thing to be angry; it is another to be angry, literate, talented, and ready to kick ass. The old world is dead; long live the revolution.