Power Rock: Swimming With Bears – “Don’t Think About It”

Swimming With Bears
“Don’t Think About It”
Swimming With Bears
You want the new, fun, summer-time band? Well, jump in the musical waters of Swimming With Bears. With hooks galore, a sense of fun, and a knowledge of what power pop rock should sound like, Swimming With Bears is Joe Perry (lead vocals/bass), Alec Conte (guitar/vocals), Jon Kerr (guitar/vocals), and Ryan Hannasch (drums/vocals). This is fist pumping, head bobbing rock and roll. They give me that same rush that I felt when I heard the Ramones or Cheap Trick for the first time. Power Pop Rock lives and its name is Swimming With Bears. Oh. their video is so much fun, and they made the video themselves. This is so representative of their energy. And Joe Perry is one of those great lead singers.