Power Punk Pop: 7 Minute Martians – “Hold On”

7 Minute Martians
“Hold On”
Punk Pop is alive and living in Cincinnati (or Sin City, as we yahoos from Youngstown called it). 7 Minute Martians are a great band; melodic, strong, lyrical, great beats, riffs galore. 7 Minute Martians are Ted Ball – Guitar/Vocals; Wil Viars – Guitar/Vocals; Jordan Loper – Bass/Vocals; and Nick Neumeister – Drums. This band is bringing your Punk Pop fix back, and actually is doing it better than the originators of the genre. “Hold On” harks back to Cheap Trick’s first album. I would call 7 Minute Martians Power Punk Pop. There, a new genre. Any way you call it, I love it. Rock on, bros. You make me happy. Oh, and 7 Minute Martians is one of the best names out there.