New Music

Personal Music, No Holds Barred: Tim McNary – “Echoes Of A Whole”

  • January 9, 2016
  • 2 min read

tim mcnary

Tim McNary

“Echoes Of A Whole”

Above The Trees

Tim McNary is an amazing artist.  His work is so absolutely personal and beautiful, similar to Bonnie “Prince” Billy or Father John Misty.  As McNary says about his album:

Above The Trees, was written during a roller-coaster 5 year period that included periods of  homelessness,  2 band break ups, the theft of my van and musical equipment,  bouts with depression, the discovery of meditation and it’s life-changing impact, and moving to Nashville, Tennessee in the Summer of  2013 . The album’s overarching themes are a  longing for personal connection, and  the journey towards courage & a hoped for transcendence. The EP was recorded primarily during the two weeks in January 2015 that  Producer Paul Warner and I spent in a mountain cabin in North Georgia (The cabin came compliments of the cabin’s owner, my  Stepmom, Julie Shaffer). Some additional tracking was done at my East Nashville apartment, and at my good friend  Nelson Nolen’s home  in Atlanta. Instrumentation spans from a 1930’s lard barrel  we found on the cabin’s front porch, to my CasioCT638 Electric Keyboard, to the beautiful cello playing of Bryan Gibson, to the Upright Bass playing of Rob Henson and Drumming of Darren Stanley, among others.

There is nothing more I need to add, except that this is one of the most beautiful albums I have heard this year.  Thank you, Mr. McNary, for sharing with us.  I feel every note, every sigh, every emotion.

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Phil King

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