New Music

Music For The Mind and The Body: Art Schop – “Back To Earth”

  • January 22, 2016
  • 2 min read

art-schop-still-sml (1)

Art Schop

“Back To Earth”

Death Waits I: Music And Fine Arts

This is an amazing song from an amazing artist.  Art Schop sounds like Leonard Cohen wrote a song to be included on Hunky Dory.

“I love songs,” Art says, “And connecting songs to a bigger, more complex context, that really inspires me.” His most recent album “Death Waits I: Music And Fine Arts” takes inspiration from a wide range of contemporary and historical figures including David Bowie, Lou Reed, Will Oldham, Michelangelo, Giacometti, Sappho and more.

 Schop is the alter-ego of singer-songwriter, writer, philosopher, and technologist, Martin G. Walker, and this quote so perfectly sums up Schop’s writing style.  He has that technique of making every word count, like a contemporary Cohen.  No word is wasted;  every line in its place to provide that perfect scenario for his music.  When listening to Schop, I can picture the tall, drawn-out sculptures of Giacometti.  The fact that Schop takes his name from Arthur Schopenhauer, the German philosopher that is best known for his 1818 work The World as Will and Representation, in which he characterizes the phenomenal world, and consequently all human action, as the product of a blind, insatiable, and malignant metaphysical will.  Schop has so represented this concept without being preachy or boring.  This is one of the most impressive pieces of work I’ve ever heard.  Anyone who can combine my favorite lyricist (Cohen), favorite rock star (Bowie), favorite artist (Giacometti), and favorite philosopher (Schopenhauer), is the top in my book.  I so very much recommend this album.

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Phil King

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