New Music

Magick Music: S. J. Tucker – “Bad Business (in memory of Brennan de Soto)”

  • February 11, 2018
  • 5 min read
Magick Music:  S. J. Tucker – “Bad Business (in memory of Brennan de Soto)”
Wild Hunt Photography


S. J. Tucker

Bad Business (in memory of Brennan de Soto)”

S. J. Tucker sounds like no one else out there.  I’m not sure if she is fairy, shape-shifter, otherworldly, or just a super intelligent, super perceptive young woman.  All I know, she makes beautiful music that is unusually beautiful.  Critics have compared to Joni Mitchell and Tori Amos, with her guitar style similar to Emily Saliers. I believe she is a complete original coming straight from Neverland where Magick is real.  I love this woman.  She touches the heart.  Let me reprint her explanation of redoing this song:

Remixed and released for the first time in memory of friend and benefactor Brennan de Soto, “Bad Business” is one of my favorites of the songs I wrote as part of a weekly songwriting challenge in 2015. Any and all download revenue that comes from this track will go immediately to Brennan’s widow, my friend Niki de Soto. Thanks for helping out, all who are able.

Brennan licensed this song from me (and paid up front to cover my recording costs) in 2016 for a Supernatural-style film project. I am proud to offer this new version of the mix in his memory.

When I learned of Brennan’s early death, I reached out to Niki to ask if I could offer her the download revenue from this unreleased tune to help with funeral costs. She said yes. Whatever amount results, I’m sending it to her. I’m so glad that she’s willing to accept this help from me, and from you.

“Bad Business” is about those of us who always ask more questions, always look deeper, and sometimes get ourselves into trouble as a result. We enchant. We inspire. We both share and keep our secrets – the former out of love, and the latter when we must do so, either for protection’s sake, or out of plain old common sense.

Woe betide those who abuse the power of a secret kept, a mystery unsolved, an enchantment which endures the test of time.

Don’t pick up that Selkie skin unless you know what comes with it.

Don’t work that root if you’re not willing to hold yourself accountable.

Don’t follow a muskrat girl home to the swamp unless you’ve got that salt in your pocket, and that iron around your neck, and maybe not even then.

But if you do, and if you are, and if you have, you’re welcome at the shape-shifters’ table.

Just keep in mind that things might get a little weird.


Spending my midnights
with a shifter of shapes
and a cup of tea gone cold
My guest has set aside that
treacherous violin
Deep in the Hour of the Wolf, we hunt for
better disagreements and
oft overlooked sins
treading lightly near nightmares
for we know we are not ever truly safe
inside our skins
Every huckster knows, there are
times when you’ve just got to go
someplace dangerous to find
something worth bringing inEverybody knows it’s bad business
to tell the whole truth
when mystery’s your hottest thing
Everybody knows it’s bad business
to spin out every yarn right into gold
before their eyes
and never leave ’em wanting moreMagicians and mischief-makers
rarely bank on time to apologize
Best figure out quick who’s here
to quicken or quench the light
in your sweet eyes
Me and mine do our best to tantalize
but if the wolves who hold your heart
should show their teeth,
please don’t act surprised(Everybody knows) it’s bad business
to tell the whole truth
when mystery’s your hottest thing
Everybody knows it’s bad business
to spin out every yarn right into gold
before their eyes
and never leave ’em wanting moreTrust the spirit, not the skin
Never mind the shape I’m in
Trust the dreamer and the dream
Are we ever what we seem?
Trust the spirit of the wild
‘Come away, O human child’
The gentleman wolf is at your door
Honey, what are you waiting for?

Cup of tea is a long lost cause,
violin forgotten
We carry on the hunt for all
that shimmers in the deep
I’ll know that we’re well in the black
once I finally lay me down to sleep

Everybody knows it’s bad business
to tell the whole truth
when mystery’s your hottest thing
Everybody knows it’s bad business
to spin out every yarn right into gold

(Trust the spirit, not the skin
Never mind the shape I’m in
Trust the dreamer and the dream
Are we ever what we seem?
Trust the spirit of the wild
‘Come away, O human child’
The gentleman wolf is at your door)

Honey, what are you waiting for?

On this song, Tucker (Sooj to her friends) plays  bass, guitars, & percussion.  The crazy electric swamp fiddle was played by Renée Drabarni Janski.  And I super love this: Springtime frog sounds courtesy of the amphibians of Camp Timberlake.  Take a listen.  Enjoy the Magick.

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Phil King


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