Intimate Folk: Welsh Avenue – “Two-Door Coupe”

Welsh Avenue
“Two-Door Coupe”
New Ways
Mark DiLillo, aka as Welsh Avenue, has this way of making his music so intimate and fun at the same time. As DiLillo says:
“New Ways is about exploring the unknown, while following a dream. Navigating these new things, experiences, and relationships is the key to moving forward versus stagnation. This navigation is what informs New Ways. With the right people around, with one’s inner fire kindled, and with the right boundaries, one can find heaven on earth,” states DiLillo. “The electro-pop single’s synthesized strains create a lush sonic atmosphere while nestles the groovy beat and enthusiastic vocals that give the song its vivid feel. “
I love DiLillo’s whole idea of navigation, and I am willing to follow that path. This is great, beautiful, hypnotic, lush music that just makes you full in love with whatever he does.