New Music

Interview – The Meaning of Life

  • March 2, 2015
  • 4 min read

The Meaning Of Life

the meaning of life

Besides having the greatest name and greatest song title ever, The Meaning of Life is a great band with a that dreamy, 60’s psychedelic pop sound that is so intriguing.  The sounds and voices just whirl around in your brain, bringing back the mood of the sixties, yet it has that modern sound.  The Meaning of Life juxtaposes beautiful sounds with the definite immediate, millennium message of

the difficulties of modern relationships, the duality of man, the seductive complexities of the female spirit, and the inevitable paradox waiting on every corner of New York City. (Creem Magazine)
This is a band that needs to be heard and experienced.  Please let 2/17 come soon, so that the EP will be available for all of us. asked the Meaning of Life a lot of questions, and we received some very interesting responses:
1.  How long have you all been playing together?  Where do you get your start?
Marta DeLeon: We met on a sleazy Craigslist a couple years ago. Our first jam was going to be on a hot day in Coney Island but we settled on iced coffees and chips inside instead. 
2.  Where did you come by the name?  It reminds of the great Monty Python movie, “The Meaning of Life”. If there is a relation, I actually can see it.

Christian Gallardo: Actually I HAD to see the movie after we named the band, I gotta say is very funny, surreal, stupid and brilliant. Well, at the very beginning Marta wanted to name the band “Tierra Del Fuego” related to some shamanistic/wild stories that I had back when I was living in Chile, then we have in mind “Jeffrey Beaumont” for that weirdo Blue Velvet’s character and one day getting ready for our first show we landed on “The Meaning Of Life” half absurd, half philosophy. We love what the name implies now.

3.  Where do your ideas come from?  Is song writing a group or an individual process?

Christian Gallardo: Everywhere. Subway commute is a big thing in New York for me, spending time sitting and listening voices in your head, new melodies, lyrics

 Marta DeLeon: The music comes first like a mood like when you get dressed in the morning you could match or wear your favorite shoes and add more eyeliner later. Lyrically it’s my outlet and I like to try and write in parallels that are personal and universal. Like something in the news is making us all feel powerless and maybe your job or your relationship is making you feel the same. It’s not always that literal but I my fantasy is it have the songs be like reversible jackets in a way. 
4.  Who influenced you? Who do you listen to nowadays?

Christian Gallardo: When I was in high school some friends and I rented a house on the beach for the weekend and I found The Jesus and Mary Chain’s Automatic between the owner of the house cds. I never stopped listening to it. Now, I listen a lot of random artists, from Galaxie 500 to Tame Impala.

Marta DeLeon: Whatever will load on my phone on the subway. I go to a lot of small live shows so I circle back to older music sometimes like Babe Ruth and Blue Oyster Cult, maybe it’s escaping the microcosm? You need to take road trips in your head after living in NYC for so long. I enjoy their nihilistic, driving 70s sound that is fun. I don’t know if it’s an influence but I like older types of recording styles too. 
5.  Which do you enjoy the most, live playing or studio?  Why?  What to you is the difference?

Christian Gallardo: Totally different experiences. Playing live is the combustible the band needs to keep going and make more friends in Brooklyn. Being in the studio is the art of perpetuating a moment into a song. Im really enjoying producing our songs right now, its challenging and sort of mystical.

Marta DeLeon: Both are humbling and just like life when you feel you are comfortable, you fall on your face. Live I like the connection that can be instant but also you are more vulnerable which can be scary. In recording you get to tell secrets and not have to be in the same room when someone is listening. 
6.  When are you going to play Pittsburgh?
Marta DeLeon: You have any recs for a veggie cheese steak place?

7.  Any deep philosophy you want to share with us?

Christian Gallardo:

Never text when you’re drunk.

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Phil King

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