New Music

Interview – Grayces

  • September 26, 2014
  • 3 min read
1.   How long have you guys been playing together?  Where did you meet?
In our current form, about 2 and a half years. We all met in person for the first time at our favorite bar in Nashville, Gold Rush. 
2.  Why the name?  It reminds me of the ancient Greeks and the Graces.
Our name, The Grayces, is a combination of the words Grey and Grace. It’s about striving for the ultimate perfection, tragically held back by our own shortcomings, and landing us in a magnificent blend of good and bad prospering in the grey areas of life. This is where we pull our inspiration from the realities of life.
3.  Some of your influences are pretty obvious.  Did you have any female punk/hard rockers that were specially important?
I have found much talent and empowerment from female rockers in the industry over the years. Although, I can say it has not been my primary focus of inspiration. It is not about gender; it is about who’s good and who’s not.
 4.  I LOVE your style, and so do a lot of my friends on Facebook.  The fact that you’re from Nashville is so great.  Did you always listen to hard rock music?
Where we all often listen to heavy music, each of us individually has a variously wide preference in all music. As a collective, we pretty much have listened to every genre with almost no stone unturned.
5.  Were you the bad kids growing up?  I ask because I love my music hard and heavy and I grew up wanting to be a preacher.  Alice Cooper and Black Sabbath converted me.
Is it bad if you never got caught?? There is a lot at stake here … 
6.  Do you love touring?  Are you coming anywhere near Pittsburgh?
We absolutely love being on the road. And yes, we’re coming to Pittsburgh during this release tour playing the 31st Street Pub on October 15th. Here’s a link to the event:
7.  What do you prefer: playing live or working in the studio?
Live. There’s nothing like it. Not that there is anything wrong with recording in a professional studio, but we’d rather be playing to a crowd any day of the week. Even when we are in the studio, we try to record as live as possible. Two tracks on our new album ‘Westing’ were actually taken from a 100% live studio performance. You can check out the video from the session here:
8.  What musician/artist would you most want to play with?
If we’re talking about current touring bands, here are some of our favorites in no particular order:
Black Sabbath
Queens of the Stone Age
Any of Jack White’s heavier projects.
Rage Against the Machine (if they happen to do any more shows after their short reunion)
The Sword
Our genre crosses a lot of different rock styles enabling us to play with many different types of bands. We could give you a wish list the size of a phone book. 
9.  Anything I didn’t cover that you would want your audience to know?
Have we not gotten intimate enough already? I’m sorry, I answered your question with another question … If you want to know more, at least buy us dinner first. :)
That, guys, is a date.  COME AND SEE THEM, ALL YOU PITTSBURGH GUYS, AND EVERYONE ELSE TOO.  AudioFuzz will be there.

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Phil King

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