In Your Face: Sun Kil Moon – “I Love Portugal”

Sun Kil Moon
“I Love Portugal”
Common As Light And Love Are Red Valleys Of Blood
Mark Kozelek is amazing. I’ve loved since he was in Red House Painters. Sun Kil Moon is amazing. “I Love Portugal” is song so laid-back, yet its message is so in-your-face, no punches pulled, but that is expected from a guy from Massillon, Ohio, and named for Korean boxer Moon Sung-kil. Boxing has always played a big part of Sun Kil Moon’s music, the whole idea of mano a mano, struggle personified, like “The Boxer” by Simon and Garfunkel. Some of the many reasons of my love for Sun Kil Moon is Kozelek’s lyrics and his raw, beautiful voice. Thank you, Kozelek. We always need you.