New Music

HEAR: The Relevant Elephants – “A Yes Or A No”

  • April 4, 2015
  • 1 min read


the relevant elephants

The Relevant Elephants

“A Yes Or A No”

The Relevant Elephants, a band name coined by Stephen Colbert, are made up of Bostonians Zack Hankins (Vocals, Rhythm Guitar), Adam Khalil (Bass), Macklin Suhre (Drums) and Drew Lucas (Lead Guitar, Vocals).  From the very start of the funky guitar to the end of this rock romp, you can tell that this band draws elements from an eclectic mix of genres such as funk, reggae, pop and rock, into their original work.  This band is amazing.  I was won over by the first guitar note; then when the bass line kicked in following the guitar line, I went crazy.  I love a great band that can rock.  The Relevant Elephants have vocal harmonies galore, and the song is just that perfect blend of funk/rock, like an updated James Gang or Jesus Jones or Sugarcult.  The music scene will soon discover the Elephant in the room and how Relevant they are.


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Phil King

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