New Music

HEAR: El Trytophan – “Guilt Vacation”

  • September 4, 2015
  • 1 min read

el tryptophan


El Tryptophan

“Guilt Vacation”

Guilt Vacation

This man, El Tryptophan, is different (in an unbelievably great way). Rue is a great-grandson of the artist Alexander Calder, whose experiments with noise and percussion in mobiles helped shape 20th century avant-garde music. Just like Calder, Rue plays with music like his great-grandfather played with shapes and changes music to something new and wonderful.  There is a hint of Eno and Laurie Anderson within his work, but Rue has taken those building stones and made something new.  This is music you must listen to.  I find it very interesting that Rue uses the name, El Tryptophan, because trytophan is an essential animo acid the human body needs to survive but cannot produce itself.  Rue has created music that I need to survive but cannot produce myself.  This is my kind of music.  Like Great-grandfather, like great-grandson, redefining art, weather, sculpture, or music.

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Phil King

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