HEAR: Ariel Posen – “Feel This Way Too”

There are artists that come along once in a blue moon that stun you and this is one of those artists. Ariel Posen sings passionately and with such craftsmanship. “Feel This Way Too” is a perfect example of what’s to come in the upcoming album. Read more and listen below:
With each successive release in his career, Ariel Posen finds his creative tide rising. In 2019, he wrote seven songs for his first album, How Long, and recorded them all, plus some instrumental interludes to fill things out. For his sophomore effort, 2021’s Headway, his songwriting surplus resulted in eight songs being left off the final project. For his latest, Reasons Why, the Canadian singer-songwriter and highly regarded guitarist wrote 30 songs, ultimately choosing 10.
“The only thing I really go into a record thinking is how can I stay true to myself musically and artistically but try to make it better than the last one,” explains Posen, who co-produced Reasons Why with his usual collaborator, Murray Pulver. “What it usually comes down to, more so than production and sound and aesthetic, is the songs. It’s just a matter of doing a record with the best songs I have.”
Reasons Why shows once again that “best” is a high standard for Posen. The new songs represent another step forward in every aspect – lyricism, musicality, playing, sonics. The songs are nuanced but impactful, deeply resonant but universally accessible. Posen blends craftsman’s care with the daring do of a seasoned live player, resulting in an immersive adventure that reveals fresh merits on every listen.