Denver Self-Loathing: The Yawpers – “Mon Dieu”

The Yawpers
“Mon Dieu”
Boy In A Well
Arising from some graveyard in Denver, after feasting on the remains of the tattered bodies of rock ‘n’ roll, The Yawpers have come to show the faithful the final steps that The Stooges, MC5, and The Cramps started down to bring us all to apocalyptic beautiful. This is down and dirty swamp rock from the mile high city. This is want The Ramones were too nice to play, what Stiv Bators wanted more than anything, what Lux Interior spiked-healed to produce, what Johnny Thunder mainlined for: AS TUFF DARTS SAYS, It’s all for the love of rock and roll. And these guys love rock n roll. Composed of cretins Nate Cook, Jesse Parmet, and Noah Shomberg, The Yawpers have finished what the White Stripes tried to do. God, I mentioned a lot of bands while writing this review. Trash that shit. Let me put it this way: THE YAWPERS FUCKIN ROCK. It’s all you need to know. If you can’t dig this band, you can’t dig nothing.