College Rock: Harvey Trisdale – “Baby”

Harvey Trisdale
All Things Go
What a great piece of Ohio music. I know, they’re mostly in LA now, but they still have that small town feel to them, especially Gambier home of Kenyon College. Small college towns often create the best music. Comprised of Evan Rasch, Carl Lehman, Tim Gruber, and Jeremy Stern (who arrived later), attending college in Ohio’s small village of Gambier proved to be a perfect setting for spontaneous, uninterrupted jam sessions. I love the fact the name came after a night of partying when someone created an alter ego and stuck his nametag to the dorm wall. (Reminds me of a weekend or two in Oberlin or Kent I experienced). All I know, this is perfect “left of the dial” music by people with so much talent. Their album is on permanent play on my phone. Thanks guys so much.