Chris Catalena and the Native Americans
Chris Catalena and the Native Americans
“Here Comes The Time”
Here Comes the Time
“Love is the prayer I’m sending to you./Love is the laughter I’m giving to you/Here’s to hereafter; let’s push on through.”
“Here Comes the Time” was written and recorded by Chris Catalena in LA. The song chronicles a brief love affair that unfolded and closed before the recording, and the sadness is echoed in every line, without being whiney, but instead looking ahead triumphantly. The magic of Laurel Canyon and the 60’s and 70’s echoes through this paean to lost love. Sometimes the ghosts of Neil Young and Crosby, Stills, and Nash resonates through this song, though Catalena has an extremely original and beautiful voice. Cry just a little; go ahead.
Feels – Sad; Smells – Heartache