New Music

Chamber Orchestra Beauty: Foxtails Brigade – “Book Of Right On”

  • October 29, 2015
  • 1 min read

Foxtails Brigade

Foxtails Brigade

“Book Of Right On”

Foxtails Brigade is one of the most interesting and entertaining chamber orchestra/pop band around.  Only the Brigade could grab a song by the great Joanna Newsome and make the song their own.  The beauty of Newsome’s original is there, but the Brigade adds that twist of metal/jazz/classical that only they can do so well.  I would love to see the Brigade perform with Newsome; I believe that a duet between Newsome and the Brigade’s singer, Laura Weinbach, would be a heavenly sound.

Foxtails Brigade‘s Anton Patzner shared, “‘Book of Right On’ is my personal favorite Joanna Newsom song and I love the way that she does it. We wanted to capture as much of the spirit of her version as we could without making a total repeat. The arrangement really started to take on a life of its own once we got Josh in with all of his crazy pedals.”

Foxtails Brigade answered the call and more with this beautiful version.  Absolutely perfect for those long winter nights in front of the fire with a snifter of brandy (yeah, like I do that: for me, it would cuddled in bed.)


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Phil King

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