Beyond This World: Mørk – “Running Away” (Feat Kjetil)

“Running Away” (Feat Kjetil)
What a great though odd song. “Running Away” starts as a normal, electronic song, then all of a sudden there are these odd pauses, blips, and totally other-worldly sound, and Kjetil’s vocals become oddly distorted in the most pleasant and surprising ways.
“Running Away” features Kjetil of Nordic band Violet Road and chronicles universal feelings of loneliness and seclusion and how sometimes it’s easier to give up when there’s a lack of authenticity in your day-to-day interactions. Mørk has developed a reputation of creating airy, ethereal electronic/pop music that forces listeners to dig deeper as they dance along.
As his press states, Mørk has created airy danceable songs that are even better to listen to with headphones to pick up every nuance in the great production of this song. I love this music. Nordic artists always take music to a completely different and often, unearthly Valhallas, and Mørk is no exception. The fact that he is one of the best at atmospheric dance just makes this song all the better.