Best Albums of 2017 (So Far)!

The XX – I See You
The third album by the enigmatic trio’s third album may possibly be there best yet as it incorporates their individual talents and makes it a cohesive and a multi-introspective effort. They cross several genres here with the poppier “On Hold”, which is a borrowed variation from Hall and Oates “I Can’t Go For That” with a tinge of something that sounds very familiar to Tears For Fears “Pale Shelter.” Sampled or not, The xx has delivered a standout work that deserves its place on this list. Standout Track: “On Hold”
Thundercat – Drunk
Another third album masterpiece here. I guess 3’s the lucky number because Thundercat gives us his finest piece of fusion, genre-melding work yet with an album that can easily be defined as having uproarious, meaningful, and candescent moments. Drunk delivers some of the funkiest, soulful, and fun songs of 2017–and it doesn’t stop there because the guest spots are jaw-dropping. Standout Track: “Friend Zone”
The Jesus and Mary Chain – Damage and Joy
The Reid Brothers are back. Here is the band that is the bellwether of all the shoegazing, noise pop bands out there. And they have only gotten better. Luckily, they haven’t gotten happier, because who wants happy music in this day and age. Combine Lou Reed with Johnny Rotten, you get The Jesus and Mary Chain. Standout Track: “Always Sad”
Hippo Campus – Landmark
Hippo Campus has delivered us one of the sunniest and melodically delicious masterpieces of 2017 thus far with their debut album Landmark. The album starts with a experimental electronic track “Sun Veins” that slowly slides into the glorious “Way It Goes”. This warm, cheery, and harmonious track is the kind of song you’d find yourself listening to on a beach at sunset. Standout Track: “Way It Goes”
The Shins – Heartworms
James Mercer produced, conceptualized, and played 2017’s best indie pop album thus far and I’ll be surprised if anyone surpasses this. Mercer laid down an 11-track, exquisitely polished self-produced album that playfully jumps around from psychedelic to classical pop to country to the beloved indie rock that made him ohh so famous! There are several moments on this album that will bring sheer joy to the faces of those that listen and quite a few nostalgic moments that will leave you forgetting what year you’re in. Standout Track: “Painting A Hole”
Methyl Ethel – Everything Is Forgotten
And lastly, the Perth (Australia)-based psychedelic rock band Methyl Ethel are back with a second album after last year’s Oh Inhuman Spectacle. However, James Ford is on production duties here and gives this album the much needed rhythmic drive that it needs. Songs like “Drink Wine” and “Ubu” have some irresistible beats and catchy hooks that make nearly every song on this album highly-listenable. Standout Track: “Ubu”