Often times a music video does not portray the vibes and attitudes of the lead performer. A video might be too outlandish or just plain overkill. The forever versatile Nick Jonas and his extraordinary team definitely nailed it this time! The teasers barely do the “Jealous” video justice. You not only see the “Chains” star embody the rough and tough biker image he has been working so hard to create but Nick takes it to the next level without leaving behind the exquisite soulful eloquence of his voice.
Peter Tunney and Ryan Pallotta directed a masterful journey starting with Nick passing a highway sign announcing his departure from childhood and heading towards the busy life in “the city of dreams,” NYC. The video continues with subliminal messages of “gratitude” to all those that have helped Nick achieve the glorious platform he stands upon today, noting how “we live in a beautiful world” and to “remain calm,” “don’t panic” and to quit “whining.” The Kingdom actor has proven to be the ultimate “dream weaver” flanking his scantily clad girlfriend Olivia Culpo throughout the 3 minute 42 second video. “The time is now” no doubt for us to exemplify Nick’s “courage” splitting from his brothers whereby expressing his “freedom” and diversity. To those that cannot get enough of those biceps, well you will have to wait for his DirectTV show, but there is a small workout clip to shout out Nick’s passion. The essence of pop music was showcased by Nick’s secret soup store displaying wall art of Warhol soup. However I cannot explain the double L’s in “the truth allways happens,” I leave that to y’all.

“Today is the day!” Nick dropped this video on 9-16-14 at the South Street Seaport, NYC as a birthday gift to himself. Let’s repay the favor and help this video hit one million views before the end of the week; isn’t that the best birthday gift a kid can ask for? “We must keep moving,” happy 22 Nick.
Anyways I couldn’t agree more, “it’s my right to be hellish and still get jealous…” Don’t forget to preorder the November 11th album now and join Nick on tour around the US and Canada over the next two weeks!
Produced for Island Records by Nolan lambroza and Megan Gutman and composed by Simon Wilcox, Nolan lambroza and Nick himself!