New Music

Voidpop: field trip – “2 NY”

  • July 26, 2016
  • 1 min read
photograph by Ben Searles
photograph by Ben Searles

 field trip

“2 NY”

Founded in 2014, field trip is made up of noah, nico, phill, skyler, jason, and will.  Popping back and forth between LA and NYC, field trip makes music that can scare the crap out of you.  For example, the beginning of “2 NY” comes at you like a cannonshot.  Amazingly beautiful yet scary.  Read the lyrics from the song.  The music fits the lyrics so well.  Voidpop is what they call their style.  I’m all for this void.  I am the void. I can see field trip on stage with Richard Hell.  The blank generation.

street’s like a river
city’s like a street
you could lose yr mind
looking at yr feet
don’t you find it funny
don’t you find it sweet
they’re gonna get you boy
you’ll never make ends meet

you just

l o s e y r s e l f 2 N Y

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Phil King

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