New Music

The Blues Are Back: Moondog Matinee – “Put Me Right”

  • October 1, 2015
  • 1 min read

moondog matinee2

Moondog Matinee

“Put Me Right”

Carry Me, Rosie

Wow, this is so good.  Moondog Matinee is so great, they sound like a modern version of Creedence Clearwater Revival wrapped up with the Black Crowes.  What a sound.  We’ve needed this bluesy sound for so long.  They sound like Leon Russell is behind the helm somewhere, or maybe he is their guardian angel. says

“Moondog Matinee’s music conveys a deep, rich understanding of gritty rock and roll that sounds like it was developed decades ago.”

They are so completely right.  Remember when the blues were an important part of rock ‘n’ roll.  Moondog Matinee remembers, and they have rewritten the book on blues rock.  I am so excited about this project.

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Phil King

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