New Music

Sensual And Sexual: Royce – “Memories (I Remember)”

  • December 10, 2015
  • 2 min read














“Memories (I Remember)”

You know how you hear a song and it reminds you of the most sensual moment you’ve ever heard?  You need to listen to Royce.  His voice is smooth as silk, sexy as all get out, exactly the music you want to have playing when that certain someone is coming over.  As ABC says, “when Smokey sings, I hear violins.”  I hear violins when Royce sings, I am in love with Royce and his voice.  He is so great.  As Royce himself says:

ROYCE by definition means Royal which completely encompasses the essence of how I wish to exist in my world. And I’ve decided to strive be the highest version me I can be and encourage you to do the same… One Day At A Time, With The Big Picture In Mind!
So… I Invite you to join me… and be apart of the creation that is my universe. Live, Love, Laugh and most of all Have a Good Time and Finally do what you want when U want – cause what if “THEY’RE” wrong?!?! Then again, What if “THEY’RE” right? Well, that’s when it comes to the matter of the self. And so as for Me, Myself… I know what I want and I plan to GET IT!
You Should Do The Same. Get Ready… :-)
♥ and Light
James Anthony A.K.A Royce of ROYCE

Royce is the new Smokey, the new Luther.  Romantic and sexy.

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Phil King

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