Best New Music

The Agony and the Ecstasy: Bio Zoar- Disintegrate

  • October 22, 2015
  • 1 min read

xaq iria 3 Bio Zoar “Disintegrate” BIO-BLOOD 3 Slap! Artist Xaq Iria, performing as Bio Zoar, has put together some of the most astonishingly beautiful as well as disturbing videos with beautiful, seamless music to go along with them.  Iria, an Australian artist, has been creating videos and music for a while, finally coming up with an almost perfect rendition of all the emotions that are churning in the depths of Iria’s soul.  I completely identify with Bio Zoar and his work.  Let’s put it this way; ever step into an art gallery and see some of the work by Goya or El Greco depicting their more ecstatic moods.  In Renaissance and Mannerist times, Bio Zoar would be considered a saint through his works.  In my book, when you watch the videos and listen to the music, you are watching/listening to the beauty of a saint in the middle of ecstasy.  From now on, Xaq Iria, you are my San Juan de la Cruz.  Note:  I’m not saying there is anything godlike about his work; I’m just saying that there is a deep spirituality.

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Phil King

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