Best New Music

Synth Pop: Saint Marilyn – “Standard”

  • May 6, 2018
  • 1 min read
Synth Pop:  Saint Marilyn – “Standard”
Photo Cred: Jacque Donaldson

Saint Marilyn



The new single from Saint Marilyn is everything that could be hoped for:  beautiful, breathy vocals, wonderful synthesizer work, and a beat just enough to keep everything moving without overpowering everything.  Saint Marilyn never overproduces their records, which is why they are so powerful.  Che Houston and Kevin Marksson just make beautiful music.  According to their bio:

Self-producing and recording with friends, Houston and Marksson stripped their music back to it’s essential layers—melodies, drums, and bass—before adding their signature synthesizers to the mix. Eventually the band enlisted the help of Chris Coady, whose seasoned abilities as a mix engineer for synth-driven rock bands like Future Islands and Beach House made him the perfect partner to complete the team’s creative vision. The resulting EP, Tangle, is a tightly focused synthpop journey centered on themes of female identity, emotional isolation, and self-worth.

This is a musical journey that is really worth the trip.

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Phil King

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