Spanish New Wave: La Niña Rabiosa – “Hace Tiempo”

La Niña Rabiosa
“Hace Tiempo”
La Niña Rabiosa
What a great band. This bands just kicks ass. The band, coming from Spain, has the right stuff; great guitar riffs, wonderful vocals, and the rhythm section that keeps the track moving at a wonderful paste. La Niña Rabiosa is comprised of AGUSTIN RABIOSO : Guitarra & Voz; ALFONSO RABIOSO : Bajo & Programaciones; and GUTI RABIOSO : Bateria & Percusiones. This is a great New Wave band. They remind me of Dwight Twilley. I love them. This album will make people stand up and take notice. Personal note: I love Spanish and its many dialects being song. No language flows as beautifully with music.