Best New Music

Songs of Hope and Love: St. Lenox – “Hashtag Brooklyn Karaoke Party”

  • September 30, 2018
  • 2 min read
Songs of Hope and Love:  St. Lenox – “Hashtag Brooklyn Karaoke Party”

St. Lenox

“Hashtag Brooklyn Karaoke Party”

Ten Fables of Young Ambition and Passionate Love

Choi, aka St. Lenox, is from Columbus, where he left to train at Julliard as a classical violinist to give it up (lucky for us) for his soul-tinged songs of love and heart break-up.  This is a beautiful album written by a gay man on his cusp of turning 40 still finding his way in life.  It’s a beautiful if sometimes sad but very truthful piece of life.  According to his bio:

Written at the cusp of his 40’s, Ten Fables of Young Ambition and Passionate Love is Andy’s tribute to the tumultuous pursuits of love and professional success- a memory album in two parts (love / ambition) capturing slices of young living from the author’s colorful past.  Written, performed and recorded in off hours at night and on weekends, the author, who now lives in Manhattan, reworks two classic themes from the indie canon, with a mixture of melodic free verse, stream of consciousness, poetry and folk storytelling.

All I know, it is rare that a album hits this close to home.  This a beautiful album, not filled with self-pity, but instead full of love and hope.  Thank you Choi for such beauty.

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Phil King

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