SEE: James Mauri 4 – “What Have You Become”
James Mauri 4
“What Have You Become”
God, I love songs about self-loathing. See, I am the queen of self-loathing, so when I hear James Mauri 4 ask me ‘what the hell have you become?’ I sit up and notice. It certainly doesn’t help that the band is tight as hell, and the production on the guitar solo, almost burying it, makes the sound so much tighter, and sure surprised the hell out of me. James Mauri’s voice is so tough and rough, I have totally fallen in love with him. This is a band that knows all its strengths and pulls out all the stops. I never know Connecticut could pull of such an ass-kicking band. James Mauri 4 sound like Pittsburgh, and that’s a huge complement coming from me. Keep rocking, guys. Come to Pittsburgh. Keep telling me my faults; I love it.