Best New Music

SEE: Derek Bishop – “Baggage”

  • May 31, 2015
  • 2 min read

derek bishop

Derek Bishop


Bicycling in Quicksand

This is a great song.  The way it starts, then stops, then starts again is just so surprising.  Seriously, folks, there is nothing wrong with your player.  And when the song kicks in, it is that perfect updating of the 80’s new wave with some classic disco (think Pet Shop Boys meet Donna Summer) for some of the best dance music heard in a while.  This is Derek Bishop’s second CD, and it is a marvel.  This is the dance music we’ve been waiting for.  As Bishop’s press page says:

The album sounds like someone put the 1978-1983 into a blender: the music, TV, the commercials, and especially the video games.

That is definitely a good thing.  The fact that Bishop is so easy on the eyes certainly doesn’t hurt any.  This is a great artist who is not afraid to play a little disco.  It’s a good thing for gays everywhere to remember that before disco and New Wave (which is just 80’s disco punked up), we had no voice in music.  Bishop helps us to remember just how far we’ve come and has put the fun and sexy back into music.

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Phil King

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