Sci Fi Truth: The Room In The Wood – “Mars (Won’t Save Us)”

The Room In The Wood
“Mars (Won’t Save Us)
The Mars EP
What a great sci-fi song that is actually right on the mark. Mars truly will not save us. And the reasons are evident in this clever song. The fact that Dave Jackson has vocals reminiscent of Jim Morrison on his best day, and that the music is catchy and highly original certainly help me to love this song and this band. The Room In The Wood is comprised of Dave Jackson – lyrics and vocals; Paul Cavanagh – guitar and bass; and Colin George Lamont – drums with Steve Powell – recording, mixing and engineering and Pete Maher – mastering, you get a tremendous EP. This is a perfect sci-fi record. Elon Musk, take that. This is music that’s fun and actually has a message. Thanks guys for putting the nail in the coffin of Musk’ horrendous myth.