Personal Beauty: Augustine de Angelo – “Time (feat. Sufjan Stevens)”

Angelo De Augustine
“Time” (feat. Sufjan Stevens)
You combine Angelo de Augustine with Sufjan Stevens, and you get pure unadulterated beauty. de Augustine has one of the voices that could melt the hardest heart, and with Stevens on the piano, you get beauty that is hard to beat. de Augustine still records in Thousand Oaks, where he grew up, and his sense of place is firm. But life wasn’t always easy. According to de Augustine’s bio:
While Tomb was born from one recent moment of pain, the album expanded to explore years of loss and disappointment. Angelo has previously compared his songwriting to waking after a vivid dream, but here he writes about real events and real people for the first time, bringing a deep sense of himself into the quiet, delicately crafted melodies.
Great beautiful music from an intensely deep and personal artist.