Paranoia: Whispering Sons: “Alone”

Whispering Sons
What a great hard-hitting band. I love how each song builds from quiet beginnings to noise-shattering exuberance. “Alone” sounds like it was recorded by paranoids, while the video reflects how, no matter how much you try, the world always invades. Even if it is just the voices in your head. As the song says, “they move so slowly when they’re not afraid”. Whispering Sons (what a paranoid name, perfect for the music) is comprised of Whispering Sons is Sander Hermans (synth), Fenne Kuppens(vocals), Kobe Lijnen (guitar), Sander Pelsmaekers (drums) and Tuur Vandeborne (bass). Living in Brussels probably increases their paranoia. All I know is that this is some of best post-punk I’ve heard. The guitar riffs are amazing. This is my new late-night band when I’m all alone?