Best New Music

Languid Rock ‘n’ Roll: Gideon’s Army – “Red Lips”

  • July 27, 2016
  • 1 min read

gideon's army2

Gideon’s Army

“Red Lips”

King Of The League

Gideon’s Army have done it again.  This time, the tempo is slowed down to a languid pace, but Robert Bray’s vocals remind me more and more of John Cale’s solo stuff, especially on Fear or Helen of Troy or Nick Drake and Nick Cave melded together.  This is great music.  I thought their faster-paced music was great, but the slowness and depth on “Red Lips” is over-the-top gorgeous.  Don’t come join Gideon’s Army if you want clean, over-produced pop.  But, if you like kick-ass dirty rock ‘n’ roll, join Gideon’s Army now.

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Phil King

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