Just Do It: Clark Twain – “Fly High (Like Richard Branson)”

Clark Twain
“Fly High (Like Richard Branson)”
Life Is Wonderful
How many of you have just wanted to say “screw it” and do exactly what you want? That is the basis of this wonderful song by Clark Twain, dedicated to the birthday of Richard Branson, the entrepreneur with a heart. The songs is peppy, reminding me of Nick Lowe’s “What’s So Funny ‘Bout Peace, Love, and Understanding?” with its great chorus of screw it, just do it. I love this song. (Oh, if I don’t show up at work tomorrow, you know why). Not since The Ramones “9 to 5 World” has there been a better call to do what you need to do, not what you have to do. This is my new theme song. The whole album is so wonderful. Listen to it. Love it. Screw it. Do it.