It’s True: God Hates Unicorns – “God Hates Unicorns”

God Hates Unicorns
“God Hates Unicorns”
God Hates Unicorns
From the depths of that river city, Pittsburgh, God Hates Unicorns comes oozingly up from the muck to destroy your mind. Playing cutting edge Pittsburgh Dickrock, God Hates Unicorns is made up of Nick-guitars, programming, Joshua- vocals, keys, programming, and Jeff- bass. I love this band. And they’re right, of course. God does hate unicorns, those cuddly cute quadrupeds make him and the rest of us sick. Thank god, the band, God Hates Unicorns, has pointed that out and sent us on the correct punk path. Hey Pittsburghers, yinz gotta see this band. Oh, and don’t talk fake Pittsburghese or God Hates Unicorns will cut off your horn. Love these guys.