Best New Music

Dream Punk At Its Finest: Crooked Ghost – “Sleepwalker/Only Nightmares”

  • January 30, 2018
  • 1 min read
Dream Punk At Its Finest:  Crooked Ghost – “Sleepwalker/Only Nightmares”

Crooked Ghost

“Sleepwalker/Only Nightmares”

Skeleton House

Wow, what a great single.  This is such a great dream punk band coming from Asheville, NC (the greatest place in NC).  Comprised of Ray Clark: voices, guitar, synth. Chris Saldin: bass. Jon Wyatt: drums, percussion. Alex Reed: guitars, this band just has the greatest sound.  Ray Clark’s voice has the tremor to it which oozes emotion, which is perfectly matched by his and his bandmates excellent playing.  Seriously, this is some of the best dream punk I’ve heard for a while.  In their bio, they call their music witchy and mysterious.  Such an apt description.  This is a band to get on the band wagon with.  And this is just the first single off their new album, Skeleton House.  Guys, now you got to tour and play Pittsburgh.

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Phil King

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