Best New Music

Dark Is Better: Holy Wars – “Born Dark”

  • November 11, 2018
  • 2 min read
Dark Is Better: Holy Wars – “Born Dark”

Holy Wars

“Born Dark”

The best indictment of our society’s way of forcing gender behavior on our society since Hole, Holy Wars turns the whole beauty world on its head by forcing us to consider that some of us don’t want sweetness and light, but instead yearn for a more gritty, realistic life.  LA-based Holy Wars are Kat Leon and bandmate Nicholas Perez, who together have weaved a rebellion against society’s mold.  As Leon says:

“Growing up, little girls were given fashion dolls to play with as an expectation of what ‘women’ were supposed to look like and act like. It was an unrealistic representation of what we actually are and early on there were no variety to these dolls. There were no gothic or ‘darker’ dolls for years, or gender bending or anything other than what that skinny, blonde bubbly doll represented… the subtle brainwashing of our society. ‘Born Dark’ starts with the original pageant beauty queen doll but this doll carries a dark secret… she is a seductive killer with a thirst for blood. It all starts where the crown is given to another doll and our Born Dark Beauty grabs her first kill for the crown. The journey continues with each character introduced furthering the story of just how dark this doll is. Playing on the dark nature of the song, we decided to go with an overall moody, edgy and vintage vibe for the video starting with the French foreign film introduction to the song. The music video blends the reality between doll vs. human with foreshadowing and FX where the audience is left to question what is real and who is the true ‘character’ in this thriller. The murders are shown in a way where you aren’t sure of just who exactly the true killer is. Is the doll a figment of Kat’s imagination or the other way around?”

All I know, this video and song is beautiful, hard-hitting, and difficult to ignore.

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Phil King

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