Best New Music

Chilled Beauty: Host – “Taste Of Your Love”

  • February 17, 2019
  • 3 min read
Chilled Beauty:  Host – “Taste Of Your Love”


“Taste Of Your Love”


Host, the chillwave artist from Ireland, is so amazing she can make breakup seem beautiful.  Her voice is so captivating, and she surrounds it these wonderful, chilling sounds.  Yet, the vocals are never overpowered.  There is some Wolf Alice in the sound, but I believe, if John Hughes were still making films, Host would be the perfect soundtrack to teenage (and elderly) angst.  Just read these lyrics:

Follow me: know I should be letting go Cos I’m not dying to hold on. So nice of you to let me know you don’t got to lie to move on. Our love was the last thing to blind you and your skin on my skin doesn’t come close enough to putting this to bed. I’m sorry babe but you’re not gonna change. No it won’t be alright Cos I don’t like the taste of you’re love. (Anymore) This story just never gets old. Babe you’re a real work of art. My shoulders never felt so cold. Too weak to carry a heavy heart. Our love was the last thing to blind you and your skin on my skin doesn’t come close enough to putting this to bed. I don’t have the tolerance to copycat compassion for your mistakes. It’s not about the risks that you want to take. You know I wanna rip your heart out? Like me: Gram me:… Tumblr: Lyrics; I know I should be letting go Cos I’m not dying to hold on. So nice of you to let me know you don’t got to lie to move on. Our love was the last thing to blind you and your skin on my skin doesn’t come close enough to putting this to bed. I’m sorry babe but you’re not gonna change. No it won’t be alright Cos I don’t like the taste of you’re love. (Anymore) This story just never gets old. Babe you’re a real work of art. My shoulders never felt so cold. Too weak to carry a heavy heart. Our love was the last thing to blind you and your skin on my skin doesn’t come close enough to putting this to bed. I don’t have the tolerance to copycat compassion for your mistakes. It’s not about the risks that you want to take. You know I wanna rip your heart out?

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Phil King

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