Brave Music: Amanda Palmer – “Voicemail For Jill”

Amanda Palmer
“There Will Be No Intermission”
Voicemail For Jill
I cannot say anything about one of the greatest artist of the 21st century except that “There Will Be No Intermission” might be the best album she has every made. Deep, sad, beautiful, she is never afraid of tackling subjects that are simply taboo for most artists. For example, Voicemail For Jill talks about the reality of abortion. The song is not anti-abortion; instead, it explains the toughness of the choice and the reactions of those around you. It is just as immoral not to speak about consequences as it is to try to control a woman’s choice about what to do with her own body. Amanda Fucking Palmer is one of the few artists to dare to be honest about her art and life. This might be the very best album of 2019. It certainly is the strongest, most honest, and most needed album.