Beautiful Dark Pop: Crimson Apple – “Can’t Get Out Of Bed”

Crimson Apple
“Can’t Get Out Of Bed”
Amazingly poppy song, which, if you listen closely, is actually a dark indictment of a culture that thinks that pills and diet can help depression without reaching to the core of the problems. The sisters, Colby Benson, lead vocals; Shelby Benson, guitar; Carthi Benson, bass; and Faith Benson, drums are originally from Hawaii, which they call the “Garden of Eden” for its innocence. Now, they are based in LA, which, according to them, has:
always been a paradox: Los Angeles is called the City of Angels, but it’s ripe with temptation that can steal your soul. From afar, though, its promising allure always beckons to innocent dreamers, artists, and musicians unaware of its sinister vibrations.
No wonder Joni Mitchell called LA the city of the fallen angels. Crimson Apple can relate, and “Can’t Get Out Of Bed” explores the paradoxical nature of the city and the music business itself. Sounding somewhat like a female version of Tame Impala, Crimson Apple is ready to take the world by storm and still remain innocent and above it all.