Anti Drugs With Hope: Ovtlier – “Set The World On Flames”

“Set The World In Flames”
What Doesn’t Kill You
This is a great, hardhitting song by a tremendous band. In the same line as Black Sabbath’s “Hand Of Doom” and Steppenwolf’s “The Pusher”, Ovtlier takes a serious stand against the opioid epidemic in this country with harsh words but offers that branch of help. These guys from Rochester, NY (a town hit super hard by overdoses, just like many towns and cities in the northeast and Midwest, including my home town of Youngstown and adopted town of Pittsburgh), kick major ass, but also deliver their message in great terms. Consisting of Joey Arena, guitar and lead vocals;, Paul Milne, lead guitar; Joey Lana, drums; Cosmo Pusateri, bass; and Joe Syracuse, rhythm guitar, these guys are heavy as hell and on a mission. If you need to preach, make sure the audience enjoys the way, and wow, I sure love this band. Opioid addiction has to stop. Maybe Ovtlier can help save one life. I pray. Thanks guys for great music.