Best New Music

Anti-Album: The Raveonettes – “PENDEJO”

  • January 15, 2017
  • 1 min read
Photo Credit: Amber and Ashlie Chavez​

The Raveonettes



Throughout 2016, The Raveonettes treated us with their RAVE-SOUND-OF-THE-MONTH series, in which they released one track each month.  December was the last month, and February will mark the release of the digital compilation.  All the songs are amazing and dynamic; none more so than their final entry, “PENDEJO”, an atmospheric beautiful piece of musical perfection with a stunning video to accompany it.  (The fact that the football player is the video is an amazing example of the creativity of The Raveonettes).  Coming from LA, The Raveonettes are Sune Rose Wagner and Sharin Foo.  What a band.  Check them out.  I know of no other band like them.  Oh, and they call their new album an “anti-album” which is ballsy and so like them.

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Phil King

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