And The Joke’s On Them: Brandi Carlile – “The Joke”

Brandi Carlile
“The Joke”
By The Way, I Forgive You
Who knew Sufjan Stevens had a sister? If he did, it would Brandi Carlile. I can’t even describe how this song affects me. Carlile has the most beautiful voice, a little country, a little pop, all emotion, a singer who is not afraid to wear her heart on her sleeve, full of forgiveness while still telling people when they are wrong. This is the song that will push you over the top. Think Adele with that slight twang, and a hell of lot more confidence. This is one of the best songs so far this year.
Let them spin
Let them scatter in the wind
I have been to the movies
I’ve seen how it ends
And the joke’s on them