Amazing: Courtney Barnett – “City Looks Pretty”
Courtney Barnett
“City Looks Pretty”
Tell Me How You Really Feel
To say I believe Courtney Barnett is one of the greatest performers alive is to say the Mona Lisa is a pretty picture. Barnett has a style unlike anyone else; her wry observations on live are definitely dissimilar to the rest of the crowd. She talks to you, tells you a story, and brings you into the story. And her lines; she is one of the most quotable artists out there. And her guitar playing is amazing. I think one of the reasons that she resonates with me is she seems to be refreshingly honest. Oh, and her band: Bones Sloane – bass, backing vocals, Dave Mudie – drums, backing vocals, Dan Luscombe – lead guitar, backing vocals; are tremendous. Good job, Courtney.