Best New Music

Pride On Your Sleeve: Palehound – “If You Met Her”

  • June 2, 2017
  • 2 min read


“If You Met Her”

A Place I’ll Always Go

Palehound is back with a great song and album.  I love this band, led by Ellen Kempner, with drummer Jesse Weiss (Spook The Herd), and new bassist Larz Brogan.  This band is so amazing.  I saw them open for Torres last year, and watching Kempner kill on that guitar of hers, and she opens up with some absolutely beautiful, self-searching lyrics.  Kempner is one of the nicest and sweetest people I have ever met.  I knew then Palehound was on track to be huge, and this new record proves.  I’m so proud to have met her and Jesse on their last tour, and I am really looking forward to seeing them at Mr. Smalls in Millvale in July.

“I wrote this song on the one year anniversary of my close friends passing. It addresses the experience of grief I had following losing her, including feelings of guilt and being reminded of her everywhere I would go.” shares Ellen. “I wrote it like a letter, reminiscing over times we’d spent together and telling her about how I’d fallen in love.”

It is lyrics like these with her blistering guitar rifts that make Palehound stand out from the crowd.  See you July, you all.

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Phil King

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